The first day I was there, we drove into Philly and met up with a friend of his who has lived in Philly for a while. He lived next door to a deli where I got a legit 6" hoagie for just $3.75! So cheap, so dank. After cramming that hoagie into my face we started walking across town, right by the Sugar House, a casino opened by America's wonderfully poor government in South Philly, even though Gambling is illegal there. Nice, guys. Way to be. At least our money being on fire hasn't made us do anything that makes us look desperate... Anyways, we were walking to go see a show on Penn's Landing. Apparently they don't do shows there much, but they should. It was a really sweet riverfront location. Free show (Dr. Dog, get jealous Burlington hippie dog fans. I don't even like them! Ha!) It was still sweet, though, I'm always down for a free show with any musicians that are at least... well... that are at least musicians.
On the long walk from South Philly to Penn's Landing, we passed a brewery called Yard's. Pretty interesting brewery, and a pretty well known microbrew in the area. They were hosting some kind of event after the free Dr. Dog show, so it was $5 to get in (wtf? A brewery cover charge? That's a first.) Good thing the kid we were with knew somegirl that worked there, got us all in for free and gave us a few drinks on the house. Dope.
Anyways, Yard's had some great beers. The one to be noted would have to be "Poor Richard's Tavern Spruce Ale," which comes from an original recipe from Ben Franklin (!). It does not have any Hops at all, they are replaced with spruce. It called for a very, very interesting experience. Not bad interesting, awesome interesting. Really enjoyed that beer. It was also kind of cool (not for me) that one of their flagship beers was a stout made with oysters (because I'm allergic to shellfish. Womp.)
Perhaps it was because of the special event (god I hope so) but they served their beers to us in plastic cups. Yard's cups. Plastic. Hey, brewers, plastic has a flavor, it's plastic. It's not tasty. Don't desecrate your craft brews by putting them in it. If I were a master brewer and I found out that was happening at my brewery, I'd break a full keg over the bartenders arms so he could never serve my beer again.
After Yard's, we walked back to South Philly. The kid from Philly showed us a super secret spot that I will choose not to disclose publicly on the internet, but if you really wanna find it, e-mail me. I'll give you the coordinates.
He took us to this abandoned pier. It was huge. We had to climb up a metal pipe to get on top of the concrete structure that probably stood about 70 feet tall at the end where the bridge was out. We hung out there and drank some yard craft brews until about 3 a.m. It was pretty cool. TONS of great graffiti. Very secluded. There were no signs indicating that we couldn't be there, so everything about it was pretty awesome and legit.

The beer, if you don't already know, is amazing. This is one of the best breweries I've ever been to. Still though, Bobcat in Bristol VT is number 1 in my heart.
After the Victory Brewery, we hung around until some local bar in the middle of nowhere near Spring City PA (maybe in spring city? no idea, really) called the railroad bar and grill, or something. I don't quite remember because they had 25¢ beers for an hour. In case you're unaware, 25¢ beers is literaly cheaper than beer. You cannot buy a beer that inexpensively since like.. 1979. Except here.
This bar had an AMAZING selection of beer (Chimay, Hennepin, Dogfishead, Lagunitas, to name a few). They also had their shitty beers, which as I said, cost 1 quarter from 8:30 to 9:30 on Sundays. My buddy and I got quite loaded during this period of time, so I don't recall much of the experience. I DO, however, recall the FREE BUFFET that comes out as soon as the cheap beer deal ends. So, you get real drunk and hungry, and then eat free cheesesteaks until you think you might puke. So, so awesome. Can't quite beat that, it certainly holds a candle to the 3 needs deal mentioned in the VT post, although these are cheap shitty beers, not cheap craft beers. The free cheesesteak helps tip the scale quite a bit.
Here's $3.50 worth of beer: Yeah, you should be jealous of this deal.
Unfortunately, no shred vid here either. I slacked on NY, and the weather hasn't been very permitting since NY, so... hopefully some shred vids to come.
Check back, and I'll see you on the road!
Free Dr. Dog!! I want a subaru guitar video asap.